The Boy that Touched Emily’s Heart

When I think about the impact TMI makes when we go on a short-term medical trip, I usually think about the patients and the people that we go to help.

But sometimes, it’s the opposite! Because the team members get blessed by the patients and the local volunteers, as they inspire us! Let me give you an example:

Emily is a physical therapist who went with us to Peru in February 2020. She was excited to go on a mission trip and to help the less-fortunate people suffering in Peru. Her experience on our trip reignited her passion to serve others and reminded her of the more important things in life.

She told me of a very special patient. He was about five years old and was suffering from a disease that caused serious physical-mobility issues. He was quiet and withdrawn, and she was struggling to connect with him. She asked her Spanish translator how to say, “Jesus loves you,” and when she told him that in Spanish, his face lit up! He started to giggle, and a big smile appeared on his face. Emily remembered, “His joy was contagious! Seeing his face light up like that will be a memory I’ll cherish forever.”

Using her professional training, Emily was able to help this boy physically, but she also touched his heart with the love of Jesus! What a beautiful picture of the “twin” missions of TMI! We bring HOPE and HEALING. And it’s because of your support that we can do it!

This is just one story. There are many more stories of hurt, heartache, pain, poverty, or just a need for love. So, THANK YOU for bringing hope and healing to the precious people of Peru.


A Life Saved! One Patient’s Story