Celebrating Local Leaders: Anibal and Rocio
Do you want to see something amazing?
I want you to imagine what’s inside your medicine cabinet. If it’s anything like mine, you’ll have cough syrup, Advil, and perhaps a prescription for something that greatly improves your health. Medications like this keep you and me in good health.
Now imagine all of that is gone.
The lack of common, lifesaving medication unfortunately is the problem that most of your brothers and sisters across the world face today.
But that’s why we’re friends. Because through your help, Twin Missions International can empower local leaders who make a profound impact on their communities.
Which is why I want you to meet Anibal and Rocio.
Anibal and Rocio are incredible leaders in our partner church in Peru. Their dedication and faithfulness have been instrumental in our successful medical campaigns.
Rocio passionately leads the Saturday outreach programs, nurturing and teaching children about Jesus, while Anibal coordinates the logistics of the medical campaigns, ensuring that locations are well organized, and volunteers are supported.
This is the real change your support is going toward.
It’s amazing how Anibal and Rocio’s commitment to serving others and advancing God's kingdom works in their home country. Do you want to know how many people you’ve helped through them?
127 kids were served last week in their children’s outreach program, where they sang interactive praise songs to Jesus, were provided a nutritious snack, engaged in fun team games, and were taught relevant lessons from the Bible.
32 children reaffirmed their faith and committed to sharing Jesus with their friends and family.
The ground work for a larger medical mission is being laid for early 2025, which you can find out more about HERE.
Friend, you’re not alone in spreading real change. I want you to know that TMI can connect with local community leaders because of you. Last week when I spoke to Anibal and Rocio, they asked me to send their heartfelt thanks because they feel incredibly encouraged by your prayer and support.
Isn’t it amazing what God can do?